Saturday 2 February 2013

Valentine Day Nails

Regardless of how much you gloss, paint or decorate your nails, you have to ensure that your nails are healthy for Valentine’s day. This means that you also need to incorporate minerals and calcium in your daily diet. Months before the valentine’s day, you must consume cheese, fresh fruits, vegetables, yoghurt and milk. This will keep your nails glossy and hard. 

Cracked and brittle nails are a turn off, especially before the valentine’s day. It ruins the look of your hand on such a romantic occasion. You need to protect the skin around your nails. Your cuticles are known to be the protectors of your nails and you can soften them with olive oil and different hand creams.

One of the quickest remedies to improve the condition of your nail is to soak it in hot water with olive oil for about 10-15 minutes. This will soften the cuticles and leave you with fresh and healthy nails. You can use beaded hand scrubs, which come with a rapid micro action and can remove the dead skin cells from your nails.

Good Sense Nail Polish Remover Wipes

Once you take care of the basics, you must then start focusing on the decoration. A lot of people prefer french manicured nails or toes. If you’re working with a budget, you can also do this at home. There are tons of nail decorating kits availble in the market. Apart from leaving you with amazing nails, this will also come easy on your pocket.

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//PART 2